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By Clive Norman
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Why I wrote a console app for accessing the iSAMS API

| Tags: iSAMS MIS C# Database SQL

Firstly, let me register that I much prefer writing raw SQL when interrogating iSAMS than using the official iSAMS REST API - there, I’ve said it!

However, I do entirely appreciate the necessity for an official API in order to cater for security, consistency, potential database schema changes & futureproofing etc. As such, the need to embrace the iSAMS API is I feel, something of a requirement.

The Project - iSAMS Data Extraction Tool

I felt it should be feasible to write a small C# Console Application that you could pass in arguments (be it via the CLI or using Task Scheduler etc) in order to return data. These arguments would be everything from the private keys through to the actual REST API Endpoint needed to extract information - in short, the tool would do all the token negotiation and heavy lifting, so to speak.

In many ways, this could be viewed as a “proof of concept” - albeit a useful one!

In short, it worked! I created a self contained executable (dotNet Core) which allows me to pass in all required parameters, which returns a JSON file containing appropriate data. This data can then be used with other programs or utilities (e.g. Excel, PowerBI, PowerAutomate, PowerShell etc) for further data analysis.

Below you will find:

  1. Fundamental instructions on how to use this iSAMSDataExtract tool.
  2. A link to my GitHub Repo where you can download the project.
  3. A direct link to a pre-compiled, ready to run executable (it is safe, but you run at your own risk).
  4. The raw C# code I wrote, should you wish to copy and paste into your own project.

Please be advised that I’m not a full-time developer; this is purely a hobbyist approach and comes with NO guarantees - feel free to download, adjust, amend and use as you wish.

How to Use iSAMSDataExtract

Copy the iSAMSData.exe into a location on your device (e.g. c:\temp) and open a command line from the same place.

You need to pass in 6 parameters; these parameters are separated by a space (see example below).

Required Parameters

  1. Token URL
  2. Client ID
  3. Client Secret
  4. API Endpoint URL (iSAMS API endpoint documentation can be found on Swagger here)
  5. JSON Element
  6. Data Save Location (e.g. c:\temp\data.json)

CLI Example

isamsdata.exe YOURSCHOOL.isams.cloud/auth/connect/token YOURKEY YOURSECRET YOURSCHOOL.isams.cloud/api/humanresources/employees employees C:\temp\Data.json

Results are a JSON format text file, which can be used for Power Automate, Excel, PowerBI, PowerShell Scripts, Database Importing or even another self-written program. The advantage with a console app is that this can be very easily run via task scheduler (e.g. a nightly update of data etc)

Sample JSON Screen Shot (albeit blurred out!)

iSAMS Data Extract Tool - GitHub Repo

Compiled Stand-Alone Executable - Ready to roll standalone exe (it is safe, but run at your own risk).


using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;

namespace iSAMSData

    class Program
        private static readonly HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
        private static JObject _token;
        private static JArray _extractedData;
        private static string _tokenURL;
        private static string _clientID;
        private static string _clientSecret;
        private static string _apiEndpoint;
        private static string _elementName;
        private static string _saveLocation;

        static void Main(string[] args)

            //Assign console parameters to variables and replace "/" & "\" with "//" & "\\" where appropriate
            _tokenURL = Regex.Replace(args[0], @"//", "////");
            _clientID = args[1];
            _clientSecret = args[2];
            _apiEndpoint = Regex.Replace(args[3], @"//", "////");
            _elementName = args[4];
            _saveLocation = Regex.Replace(args[5], @"\\", "\\\\");

            _extractedData = new JArray();

            _token = GetToken(_tokenURL, _clientID, _clientSecret).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

            var iSAMSDataTotalPages = GetData(1, _apiEndpoint).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

            JValue _totalPages = (JValue)iSAMSDataTotalPages["totalPages"];

            //Check if _totalPages exists - if not then set a default of 1
            if (_totalPages is null)
                _totalPages = (JValue)1;

            //Where paging is required loop through to build up results set then append together as a single entity
            for (int page = 1; page <= (int)_totalPages; page ++)
                var iSAMSData = GetData(page, _apiEndpoint).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
                JArray SubElement = (JArray)iSAMSData[_elementName];


            //Save final results to local file (e.g. data.json)
            string savedData = @"" + _saveLocation + "";
            using (StreamWriter file = File.CreateText(savedData))
                JsonSerializer serializer = new JsonSerializer();
                serializer.Serialize(file, _extractedData);

        //Process for getting authorisation token which is sent with each subsequent request
        static async Task<JObject> GetToken(string _clientUrl = "youraddressfortoken", string _clientID = "yourclientid", string _clientSecret = "yourclientsecret")

            var _tokenUrl = "https://" + _clientUrl;
            var _tokenSecretRaw = string.Format("client_id=" + _clientID + "&client_secret=" + _clientSecret + "&grant_type=client_credentials&scope=restapi");
            StringContent theContent = new StringContent(_tokenSecretRaw, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
            HttpResponseMessage aResponse = await client.PostAsync(new Uri(_tokenUrl), theContent);
            string content = await aResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

            return (JObject)await Task.Run(() => JObject.Parse(content));

        //Process for getting data
        static async Task<JObject> GetData(int _page = 1, string urlApi = "yourchosenapiendpoint")
                JObject Token = _token; //Use cached Token
                var _extractedToken = Token["access_token"].ToString();
                var _baseUrl = "https://" + urlApi + "?page=" + _page;
                client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " + _extractedToken);
                var response = await client.GetStringAsync(_baseUrl);

            return (JObject)await Task.Run(() => JObject.Parse(response));

