NS News & Views

By Clive Norman
List all 37 articles

| Tags: VLE Firefly Rambling

Recently, I had the privileged of being asked to give a ‘show and tell’ style presentation, at the Firefly Developer’s Day, held at Radley College. In truth, I received this invitation with a mixture of pride and anxiety – visions springing to mind of the Michael Bay ‘meltdown’ during his presentation at CES 2014! ➡️

| Tags: JavaScript VLE Firefly

Like many technically minded people, I subscribe to a variety of IT focussed information sources (RSS Feeds, Newsletters etc); one such newsletter being “Powertip of the day” from Powershell.com. A recent “Powertip of the day” demonstrated how it was possible to query an online earthquake activity data resource, using PowerShell. ➡️

| Tags: Website Firefly VLE JavaScript C#

At St Mary’s Shaftesbury we use Firefly for our VLE. I won’t give you a sales pitch on Firefly, but suffice to say, that after a bit of a journey from Moodle through SharePoint we have rested at Firefly – quite simply, at this point in time (history has taught me that things can change! ➡️

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